Monday, July 28, 2008

Two degrees from Brangelina

From the desk of Jonathan Patrick

Greetings, my fellow Totallygeektosheekers.  I have a story that I thought I owuld share with you:

Yesterday, I pulled up to a red light by the Beverly Center and noticed an older man with a windbreaker waiting to cross the street.  I look closer at the windbreaker and notice a patch on his shoulder in the shape of the great state of Texas.  It looks as if it represents some high school.  I think to myself, "Self, this guy must be a high school football coach from Texas".  He definitely has that high school football look (whatever that means).  I peer over to see if I can recognize which high school this dude is from.  I can't tell, but I do hear the car next to me giggling.  I look over and it's full of girls giggling and one has her camera out.... I look back at "coach" as he's walking in front of me and it's Jon Voight.  And he's wearing his windbreaker from Varsity Blues.  It says Coyotes across his back.
Go Coyotes.

More After the Jump!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Minnetonka Again?

So I get a lot of spam emails from fashion websites that I peruse occasionally. Ok not occassionally, a lot, but whatever. And usually I can sort of see where the trends are hitting and then try and find my own personal way to incorporate it into my already hobo/conservative/inappropriate for my age look. But today man, I was just sort of like, oh Lord, again?!? Minnetonka's are back. They're the indian inspired mocassin version of the Ugg. A couple of years ago they were here and fierce in mocassin indian slipper form. Now however they're tall and bootlike. Listen, I don't mind repeating trends but can't we find some way for the girls down south to enjoy. Honestly pee-pol! I'll still buy then, but I don't have to like it. And here is the rest of it.

More After the Jump!